Hansy Solano

Hansy Solano

Focus Hansy is part of the Pioneers RD executive team as the coordinator of the knowledge stage. In Simply Mobilizing (SM), she is Lead Facilitator FP, a member of the New Nations Coordination Team ECNN of Paraguay and Panama, and coordinator of the ECNN of Equatorial Guinea. She is the most recent member to join […]

Estebin de La Rosa Infante

Estebin De La Rosa Infante Fondo

Focus Estebin is a young seminary theology and engineering student. Currently, he serves as a Coordinator for the Pioneers Dominican Republic organization. In addition, Estebin develops his ministry life at the Iglesia Bautista del Nuevo Pacto, where he has served in various aspects of local church service since 2018. He has focused on training in […]

L & J

L &Amp; J

Focus L&J are a pastoral missionary family serving God in theological teaching, training new workers and mobilizing missions in order to raise up a generation that transforms lives and communities through an encounter with Jesus Christ, especially among the least reached. L&J currently pastor a church in southern Chile where they also operate the Bible […]

Brau & Chichio


Focus Brau and Chichio have a calling to serve God full time among the least reached in a Muslim context. Understanding that God had called them to serve Him, they married in 2021. God has moved their hearts towards Turkey, as it is currently the country with the lowest percentage of Christians worldwide, so most […]

Victor Lopez

Portada Victor

Focus Victor is an active mobilizer in Guatemala. He serves on the National Coordination Team of Simply Mobilizing Guatemala through its various level 1 mobilization resources. He seeks to lay a foundation for Christians and the local church to become meaningfully involved in God’s global mission to the nations, emphasizing outreach to the least-reached ethnic […]

Elías & Aura Sagastume

Portada Elias Sagastume

Focus Elias and his wife Aura are facilitators of Simply Mobilizing (SM) Guatemala. SM is a ministry that facilitates, among others, the courses “Kairos” and “La Historia por Concluir,” with which they want to mobilize the churches for the Great Commission. Also, pastors graduated from the Berea Friends Theological Seminary in Chiquimula, Guatemala. Also, from […]

Hernán & Rosa Emilia Sosa

Hernán &Amp; Rosa Emilia Sosa

Focus They are currently working on planting a church in the municipality of San Miguel Petapa in Guatemala City. Hernan and Rosa Emilia’s vision is to continue working in church planting, forming churches with a local and cross-cultural missionary vision, and to continue mobilizing the leadership of the Evangelical Church in Guatemala with the resources […]

Efraín & Bárbara Romero

Efraín &Amp; Bárbara Romero

Focus Efrain is the current National Coordinator for Simply Mobilizing Mexico, Coordinator for New Nations Cuba, and the International Latin America Regional Team Training Coordinator. Barbara has been an SM Mobilizer since 2016 and is part of the Mexico National Coordinating Team, New Nations Cuba Coordinating Team, and the Latin America International Region Training Team. […]

Elisa Diaz

Portada Elisa Diaz

Focus Elisa Diaz lived in Thailand, serving as a missionary from 1998 to 2019. Upon arriving there, she learned the language and culture. Then, she worked on education projects in the mountains of Mae Chaem, discipling children and teenagers from remote villages and establishing a kindergarten. In 2009, she went to live in northeast Thailand […]

Vladimir & Sayonara Aquino

Vladimir And Sayonara Aquino Fondo

Focus Vladimir is a sinner saved and converted by the grace of the Lord to be a servant-leader with experience in pastoral ministry. He has also served as a Bible and Theology teacher at the Christian Biblical Alliance. Together with his wife Sayonara, they are established at El Calvario Christian Biblical Church in San Pedro […]