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A transforming experience
Contemplating God’s presence is an overwhelming experience, even traumatic in some cases. God’s revelation should represent a 180° turn in the life of every believer.
The vision that the prophet Isaiah had was a traumatic event. So much so, that it made an indelible impression on his memory and was a determining factor in his ministry.
While we have an experience of awe (and even well-being), immediately the Holy Spirit reveals to us our SINFUL CHARACTER. In the face of such an incredible gift as the salvation of our souls, we are considered unworthy to enjoy it.
God is holy, but He is also a God of grace. God takes immediate steps to purify the human being and restore his soul. In the specific case of Isaiah, he experienced a forgiveness that went beyond the purification of his lips. He was completely purified, forgiven to the core, but not without the terrible pain of repentance.
Our conception of sin and the character of God must form a fundamental part of our relationship with the Lord and even the role of our salvation. We have received the greatest gift that any human being could dare to desire, and that is eternal life with our Lord. Not by our efforts or works, but solely through His infinite grace and love.
What causes us to separate ourselves from the holiness of God?
Our nature is to hide from God. We avoid at all costs not to be revealed to His standard of holiness. We have a justification for every sin we commit. We judge ourselves by measuring each other. Consequently, true repentance is very painful, but it produces sincerity as we enter into His presence. It allows us to enter into His presence with sincerity. When we have an attitude like Isaiah’s, God is willing to forgive, cleanse and send.
The Holy Spirit makes us more aware of our lack of holiness, to stimulate us, to yearn for it more deeply and to strive to attain it more intensely. In one sense we are fortunate: God does not appear to us in the way he appeared to Isaiah. Who could bear it? Normally, God reveals our sinfulness to us little by little. We experience a gradual recognition of our own corruption. Isaiah saw his corruption all at once. It should not surprise us that he was ruined.
It is precisely our sinful condition that motivates us to be close to God. It is knowing God that calls us to be close to Him, knowing in our own flesh what it is to have a new opportunity, a new life that should NATURALLY move us to seek His presence and holiness.

Isaiah 6:5
“Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”
- The new church plant that started by Joaquín in Mesa, Arizona found a new sanctuary to meet that will allow them to grow even more. They already have about 70 people in attendance. They will be having their grand opening on September 12th.
- An offer was done on a property in Phoenix, Arizona that will provide living space for three young leaders who are training as future church planters.
- Joaquin’s sister, Raquel needs to have an urgent brain surgery. She has a nerve in her brain causing constant pain and it needs to be surgically decompressed. A very costly and delicate surgery. They tried to do something in the Dominican Republic, but it actually made it worse.
- Fruto Bonilla wants to start an economic development project in Panama to help young entrepreneurs during the COVID crisis who has devastated the country financially. Pray for God’s provision of the needed funding of $15,000.
- We need to find an advisor that could help us with economic development projects to start in Winkelman, Arizona. The location of a new Latino church plant and community center.
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Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.
- For more Information:
- (720) 592-5964
- Mailing Address:
- PO Box 51675
- MESA, AZ 85208-0084