Joaquin & Oneida Vargas

Exponential Leaders

David Mazariegos

Emerging Leaders

Ashley Polverelli

Exponential Leaders

Juan David Calderón

Emerging Leaders

Upholding lives, one step at a time

We believe that there are times when people need a hand up, not a hand down. It is a ministry of presence, where we come along people in need, in different stages of life. Through Arise One80, we want to focus on the following causes:

Women Involvement
Helping women who are in transition because they come from abusive relationships, addictions or financial difficulties.

Through providing training, counseling, housing and support, together we can improve the quality of life for women.

Newcomers Initiative
Engaging with refugees, immigrants and migrant workers who need advise in settling to a new culture and country.

Through partnering with advocacy groups and other organizations and starting programs that provide immigration consulting and English as a new language classes, together we can impact the adaptation process of newcomers.

Youth Intervention
Mentoring youth who are struggling with behavioral, emotional, relational and academic issues that puts them at risk.

Through developing programs that will keep youth in their schools and partnering caring adults to build meaningful relationships  with a young person, together we can help young people to become productive adults and contributing members of society. 

Ministry Leader:  Joaquin A. Vargas Coordinator