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You play an essential role in Missions right from your home!

We’ve all heard the expression, “Missions are done with the hands of those who give, the knees of those who pray, and the feet of those who go.” It’s a profound reality that speaks directly to the heart of missions. While not everyone is asked to physically leave their families, careers, and comforts to suffer for the cause of the Gospel, it is critical to remember that we all play an important role in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Whether you are called to go, donate, or pray, your contribution to missions is significant and lasting. Each part plays a distinct and necessary role in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Some are asked to go, to serve on the frontlines, to share the message of hope, and to make a real impact in the lives of people they meet. Others are invited to donate, to contribute freely to the missionaries’ work, to provide for their needs, and to equip them to fulfill their calling. And others are called to pray, interceding diligently for the mission’s protection, provision, and fruitfulness.

Every individual’s contribution, whether through going, contributing, or praying, is an essential thread in the fabric of God’s redemptive plan. We must never feel isolated or unimportant because God has uniquely equipped and called every one of us to participate in this tremendous purpose.

Let us support and inspire one another as we reflect on our roles in this mission. Let us honor those who travel, express our gratitude to those who donate sacrificially, and lift those who pray faithfully. We constitute a formidable force spreading God’s Kingdom.

Whatever group you identify with, it is critical to recognize that we are all united in the common goal of spreading the Gospel worldwide.

We sincerely thank you for your unwavering support and collaboration. Your devotion and generosity have significantly influenced many lives, for which we will be eternally thankful. May we remain unified, embracing our distinct roles in the mission, and be vessels of God’s love, extending His grace and truth to the ends of the globe.

Ephesians 4:16

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.


  • Pastor Joaquin A. Vargas recently participated in the 75th Anniversary of Missions Door where they honor the retirement of Rick Miller, President Emeritus.  It was a joyous occasion where he saw many friends, a few of whom were appointed by him to serve as missionaries.


  • Last month, we appointed four new leaders to work in Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, and Nigeria. We have a growing Latino Mobilizers team called to fulfill the Great Commission.


  • Pastor Victor H. Arias, President of our Board of Directors, is actively seeking a new job. He was laid off at the end of April. Help us pray for a good job that would allow him to provide for his family and continue his involvement with ministry.
  • David Mazariegos, a missionary in Guatemala, wants to travel to the United States to raise support for his ministry. Pray for the approval of the visa to be granted.  If approved, he needs to find churches that would allow him to do a presentation about his ministry.


  • Annual Operations Budget of Global One80 – $60,000
  • Backpacks for the annual trip to Mexico of Iglesia Experimenta Vida.

Meet all the initiatives and leaders committed to transforming communities around the world.

Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.



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