All Newsletters » What we have achieved during 2023

January 1, 2024

What we have achieved during 2023

Maná, the Museum of the Holy Scriptures in Mexico City, has the goal of articulating and coordinating educational efforts through exhibits on the history of the formation of the Bible up to its present translations and academic programs in Biblical Languages, Biblical Sciences, and Theology.

We are convinced that the only way for society to overcome cultural and spiritual decadence is through education that draws from the depth of knowledge the Bible possesses; Maná has taken on the responsibility of providing access to such content.

Thinking about the advances of 2023, I remembered the words of the preacher in chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes, who insists that, on the one hand, time gives us structure by locating the moments for planting and reaping, building and tearing down, weeping and laughing; and on the other, it places us before the finiteness and ephemerality of existence, since the work of our hands does not cease to be seen as vanity in the face of such fleetingness. However, the transcendent meaning of what we do, its deepest meaning, is not the incessant flow of activities devoured by time, but the presence of the risen Christ, who, with the communion he offers us, introduces the hope of eternity. The author of Ecclesiastes, the preacher, asserts with absolute confidence that God restores what happened. Achievements or failures take on profound meaning in the light of communion with the risen Christ, who lovingly invites us, as the Lord of History, to collaborate with Him.

Under this perspective, Maná’s efforts in 2023 led to the realization of eight traveling exhibitions: in the center and east of the city, in the states of Mexico and Hidalgo, and in Medellín, whose visitors had an aesthetic experience that invited them to reflect on the richness of the most persecuted book in history and its message of life.

Young university students who had never had any direct contact with the Scriptures and who were living in a society that was hostile to the biblical text made up 30% of the visitors to the exhibition. Several of them expressed their amazement at the history of their formation and influence. We hope that the seed sown will bear fruit in their lives.

Sixty face-to-face and virtual modules of the Biblical Languages, Theology, Biblical Sciences, Bachelor of Theology, the Propaedeutic Course, and the Master of Theology programs were taught.

“The story of the most loved, persecuted, and translated book in the world must continue to unfold.” Be part of this journey!

Eclesiastés 3:15 NVI

Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account.


  • We begin the new year with new challenges approved by our Board of Directors. Due to the growth we have experienced in the last few months, we need to raise $6,000 per month for the operating budget. This budget includes all staff salaries, insurance, communications, financial fees, etc.
  • Experimenta Vida was able to make its mission trip to Mexico to deliver dozens of Christmas gifts to the children in Nogales, Sonora. We want to see more Hispanic churches involved in mission trips.


  • Anahi Dominguez, a financial assistant, just lost her grandfather. Pray that God will fill her and all her family with peace.
  • Oneida Vargas, wife of our founder, recovered well from surgery on her leg. Help us pray for her health challenges.
  • Charly Rosero, our database coordinator, is recovering from surgery on his foot. Pray that God will help him to heal soon.


  • New churches are willing to be part of Edge One80, our intentional mission trip program. Our missionary Victoria Pierce-De la Cruz, who has extensive experience managing international groups, is in charge of coordinating the ministry. 
  • Funds for the purchase of computers for the Global One80 offices in Peru. We need about $4,000 to be able to upgrade the equipment.

Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.



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