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What we did together
Dear Friends:
Thank you for your vital support to Global One80 in 2022. Through your generous contributions, we can impact people with the gospel of Jesus Christ, one life at a time.
Here is a summary of what together we were able to accomplish:
- Serve the 6 Latino church planters in Arizona, starting churches in Mesa, Queen Creek, Glendale, Phoenix, and Nogales. We provide help with compliance, communications, and care.
- Help launch a new Spanish-speaking church in Mesa. The church I pastor now blessed a core team of families to start a new church in Mesa. They are already averaging about 40 people.
- Provide leadership to Surge Latino. Our last lunch was on Mental Health, and it was well received.
- Continue helping abused women and refugees through our Arise One80 program.
- Empower four small businesses by helping them to incorporate, prepare their branding, and assist with accounting services.
- Assist the Ukrainian refugees in Poland. A church in Utah raised over $100,000 for that project. We were able to help the Poland Baptist Foundation, which helped thousands.
- Appoint 33 new missionaries, most of them under the Latino Mobilizers program. We are sending Latin American leaders to fulfill the great commission, serving in Muslim countries.
- Expand to 16 new countries. Now we are working in 20 countries.
In 2023, we need your help to continue making our impact here and abroad. We are hoping that you will continue supporting our ministries.
Have a great New Year 2023!
In His mission,

Philipians 2: 13
“…for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose”
- Joaquin’s health improved significantly after being sick with pneumonia for three weeks.
- We have 736 donors who have donated to a leader or a project since we started the ministry.
- Erick Fortunato, a missionary to India, will leave soon for an exploratory trip.
- Financial Support for all the new missionaries appointed with us.
- Wisdom as we continue to expand to new countries.
- Crisis in Peru, they are going through a challenging time.
- Operation Fund Support Needed: $60,000
Meet all the initiatives and leaders committed to transforming communities around the world.
Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.
- For more Information:
- (720) 592-5964
- Mailing Address:
- PO Box 51675
- MESA, AZ 85208-0084