The importance of sending workers in a globalized world
In the 21st century, we have experienced a digital revolution. It seems that with the advancement of technology and global migration, all people are just around the corner. Messages on social networks reach every corner of the planet. Content that goes viral can reach millions of people. Given this scenario, we could conclude that the gospel reaches the ends of the earth through advertising campaigns. Will it be necessary to continue sending workers?
Yes, technology is not a substitute for messengers. I am not arguing that the media are useless. However, the nature of missions requires interpersonal relationships. The gospel message must be incarnated amid the community to be reached. The apostle Paul lived this way (1 Cor. 9:19–22).
Last October, I arrived in Central Asia with my family. I was heartbroken to see the sharp distinction between ethnic groups. Although they live within the same territory, they do not relate to each other.
At the home of some colleagues, they had a lady helping with the chores, and the wife invited a friend for lunch. The three of them sat at the table, but the two locals did not speak to each other. It was a very tense atmosphere. When they finished eating, they discovered that they were both part of the same ethnic group, laughed, and started talking. These women are an example of the gap that separates us. Who would have thought that a foreigner would be the bridge that brought them together?
In the same way, I have experienced the happiness the locals feel when they hear me try to speak their language. When I walk through the streets with their national instrument, they come up to me to ask if I play it and are happy with my interest in learning from them. And this is just the beginning.
Although we still can’t speak well and we need more cultural understanding, it’s worth it. We are learning to be good hosts. Already, we both had the opportunity to share scriptural truths and our testimony. One of the people we invited home told us that she saw something different in us and that our home was a house of peace.
We must live the gospel among the people. Jesus’ request is still relevant: “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest.” I encourage you to prayerfully consider investing financially to support a worker.

Luke 10:2
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
- Eduardo Estrada, one of our Latino mobilizers, is experiencing a flourishing ministry. He has been able to minister to more than 50 children and young people who suffer from family violence due to a lack of parental care or are exposed to social violence in the area where they live. Every Saturday that these young people come, they attend them, minister to them, teach them art, and above all, show them the love of God.
- Tania Matos, wife of one of our leaders, Hugo Matos, is successfully recovering from major surgery. We pray for her health, rest, and replenishment of energy to continue serving God.
- Our Latino Mobilizer, Sara Ypanaqué, has begun studies related to ministerial work. These courses are necessary for good performance in the Bible translation ministry. She needs to pay before the end of April for the first registration and the first field trip, which in total is $400.
- Mónica Domínguez, wife of our leader Elvis Domínguez, is scheduled for gallbladder surgery on April 18. Help us pray so that God will provide everything necessary during and after surgery.
- Constant Need: We need to raise $6,000 a month for the operations of our ministry. Help us pray and connect us to churches, individuals, organizations, and businesses that would provide some financial support for this need.
- Backpacks for Mexico: We are doing another project to bring hope to children in Mexico this summer. We need 200 backpacks and school supplies for them.
Meet all the initiatives and leaders committed to transforming communities around the world.
Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.
- For more Information:
- Info@GlobalOne80.org
- (720) 592-5964
- Mailing Address:
- PO Box 51675
- MESA, AZ 85208-0084