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Latinos supporting Latinos

During our youth, we read and heard about missionaries going out and serving in different cultures. While we imagined the feats they performed for the love of God and their mission, we rarely thought about the importance of those who were behind the missionaries’ financial support. In our ignorance, we took for granted that God provided directly and supernaturally for the missionaries.

But that was changing little by little as we were growing in the Christian life, and even more so when, a little more than a year ago, God called us to serve Him cross-culturally with the Turks. Then we began the process of raising economic support. This is a challenging time for any cross-cultural worker, and even more so in a Latin context. 

Since then, we have visited local churches in our country, presented the missionary project, and encouraged them to take part in prayer and economic support. We have been able to notice that for many pastors and congregations, the only work that matters is the one they do in their city and country.

It is still necessary to share the importance of being obedient to the Great Commission beyond our own culture, being part of the formation of disciples from all ethnic groups, and sending and supporting cross-cultural workers.

We also have to stop thinking that, because we are Latinos, we need more resources to send and be part of the economic support of our workers. The truth is that God is blessing Latin America with sufficient resources to be part of His mission. God has set this as the time for the Latin church to participate in God’s global mission.

God does not want spectators in his mission, so we thank God for each group of believers who have committed first to God to be part of our team through their prayers and offerings. 

At present, we are about twenty percent of the way to completing the monthly budget, and thanks to God, almost all of it is being covered by churches and also by individual believers in our country. 

The mission field now in Christ is maturing and becoming the field that sends and sustains missionaries. So many blessings received from God over the years are reaching their purpose of being a blessing to all the families of the earth, as the Canadian missionary Don Richardson would say: “We are blessed to bless.”.

Genesis 12:2-3 NIV

“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”


  • Introducing a new couple as Latino Mobilizers, Eduardo and Miriam Estrada from Mexico. They have created an Academy of Arts, Crafts, and Human Development as a tool to attract and assist children and young people with workshops, all with psychological and spiritual accompaniment.
  • Elvis and Monica Dominguez also add to Global One’s 80 Latino Mobilizers list. Elvis is a youth pastor in rural Guatemala. He teaches biblical and theological studies to the youth of the community with the purpose of spiritual and intellectual strengthening.


  • Charly Rosero, a member of the Global One80 team, had surgery on his knee due to an injury. Let us pray that his recovery progresses favorably.
  • Tania Matos requires immediate medical attention. She must undergo several major surgeries starting on April 3rd. We pray for God’s protection and spiritual strength during this difficult time and the financial support necessary to be able to perform all the medical interventions he needs.


  • Constant Need: We need to raise $6,000 a month for the operations of our ministry.  Help us pray and connect us to churches, individuals, organizations, and businesses that would provide some financial support for this need.

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Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.



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