All Newsletters » A message that lives on

October 1, 2022

A message that lives on

Even though it was written over two thousand years ago, the truth and relevancy of the Bible for modern times have not altered at all. It is the most reliable source that includes all the knowledge God has communicated to us about Himself and His plan for the human race.

But, when you mention the Bible, some people immediately think of an old-fashioned document filled with a long list of rules reflecting pre-modern perspectives. On the contrary, the Bible digs deep into relevant human questions: Why do unfortunate things always seem to happen to decent people? Where does the origin of evil lie? What exactly is the point of living?

Even the brightest minds aren’t entirely sure how to answer these questions. Yet, ironically, the Bible answers these severe concerns for us; it acknowledges the possibility that the solutions to some problems are beyond the scope of human comprehension.

The Bible is the story of God’s mission to save humanity, developed step by step. By detailing the behaviors that individuals engage in, the Bible can impart a substantial amount of knowledge regarding human nature and the tendencies that come with it. This information is more accurate and descriptive of the human condition than any psychology textbook we have read.

Yet, the Bible is not a book of history, a psychology textbook, or a scientific journal. Instead, it is a collection of sacred writings intended to be read as a whole. The Bible is God’s written revelation to humanity about who He is and His hopes, dreams, and purposes for humans. It describes how God provided for the reestablishment of fellowship through the death of His Son. Throughout history, people have had a consistent struggle with redemption. However, we find in the Bible God’s provision to make peace with us and restore our lost relationship with him.

The Word of God will never become obsolete, will never be outdone, and will never be surpassed by anything else.

The Word of God is as relevant in modern times as it was when it was first written, although civilizations change, legal systems develop, and generations come and go.

Hebrews 4:12

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”



  • Joaquin has been invited to be a keynote speaker at Mission Connection Southwest. A mission conference of over 30 churches that will meet in Phoenix on November 4 & 5.
  • We had our first meeting with Pioneers Mexico last month, as we continue to develop an Strategic Alliance to train and empower nationals who are obeying the call to missions.


  • Our Board Meeting on October 13 & 14. Pray for wisdom and a good fellowship. This will be our first face-to-face meeting in two years.
  • Ncuentro Network, a church planting movement in Phoenix, AZ that is now starting 7 Spanish-speaking churches and is working on a plan to recruit new potential church planters.


  • Pick up Vehicle for the church planting ministries in Arizona.
  • Support for the Operations Fund. Our goal is to raise $60,000 a year. We are short about $15,000 for the remainder of the year.

Meet all the initiatives and leaders committed to transforming communities around the world.

Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.



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