All Newsletters » 2022: A year to help

January 1, 2022

2022: A year to help

Sometimes we take many things for granted, such as that everyone has a home and the food they need on a daily basis, or that everyone has someone to help them with their problems and feelings. But it’s not true! The world abounds with people in distress, without hope and with many needs.

This situation is especially serious in developing countries, with unscrupulous rulers or those who have suffered the consequences of the pandemic. However, people in need of help are everywhere. It is very easy to see people begging for money in your neighborhood or when you go to the supermarket, but it may not be so easy to see people suffering in silence from illness or who are victims of violence. Visible or silent, they exist, they are there waiting for a generous hand, which in this year 2022, can be yours.

God has given us a great power: the power to help. God has given you two great ways to help: with prayer, which is a very powerful tool when it comes from the heart; and with action!

At Global One80 we want to invite you to include among your resolutions for this New Year, a change or a significant improvement in your attitude towards people who need help.

Pay more attention and…

  • Don’t ignore people who need financial or spiritual help.
  • Report to the authorities if you know people who are in a situation of risk or violence.
  • Participate as a volunteer in activities that you enjoy, you can transform many lives with your time.
  • Donate what you no longer use and is in good condition Remember: true kindness does not consist in giving away what you have left over, but in sharing the little or much you may have.
  • Make financial donations to churches or non-profit organizations that pursue purposes with which you identify.

In this New Year that begins, let us ask God to help us to be people who do good and generous and He will know how to reward them, even more than we deserve.

God bless you richly!

Hebrews 13:16

“And from doing good and helping one another do not forget; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”



  • Thanks to many donations of gifts, Iglesia Ncuentro in Mesa, AZ was able to go to Mexico to distribute hundreds of toys for children.
  • In 2022, Ncuentro Network has the goal of starting two new Latino churches. This past December 11, a vision brunch was done in Winkelman, Arizona to pray and plan for a new ministry in that community.
  • Thanks to the support of many donors, Raquel Rincon was able to have her brain surgery and is quickly recovering.  The biggest challenge now is the partial paralysis in her face, but all pain is gone, which is an answer to prayer.


  • Support for the Operations Fund, our 2022 goal is to raise at least $42,000 of the projected amount of $60,000 in the next three years.


  • Our office and church planters need office supplies. If you have some that you are not using it will be a great donation to our ministries.
  • A van or pick up for the church planting ministries in Arizona.

Meet all the initiatives and leaders committed to transforming communities around the world.

Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.



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