Ministry Journey


Sara serves in the ministry of Bible translation. She is currently CEO of AEL Peru, an association of Christian volunteers who promote Bible translation into indigenous languages around the world. She leads a mobilization and training project in favor of indigenous leaders and the strengthening of indigenous churches. In November 2022, the project was implemented for the first time in the Kiwcha ethnic group of Napo in the Peruvian Amazon.


Sara was born in Peru, and since her teenage years, she has served in the Lord’s work in children’s ministry, youth, students, missionaries, evangelism, music, radio, and communications.

In 2001, she studied pre-press.

In 2003, he started a printing company with the goal of converting it into a publishing house. She worked in that area until God called her to cross-cultural ministry in January 2013.

In March 2013, she graduated in Administrative Sciences. Then, she joined the team of SIM Latin America’s missionary magazine VAMOS and wrote about short-term travel, prayer, social networking, leadership, and business as mission (BAM).

In September 2015, she was invited to be a member of AEL Peru and the board of directors. She has held positions as a public relations representative, prayer coordinator, communications coordinator, and currently CEO.

Between 2018 and 2019, she was part of the staff of the Wycliffe Global Alliance—The Americas region, holding the position of communications coordinator. The AGW is a community of more than 100 organizations and networks serving together around the world through Bible translation movements. AEL Peru is a member of AGW.

In July 2019, she completed her MA studies in public management. Currently, she is in the stage of thesis revision by the informant.

Since 2021, she has served as a trainer and mobilizer. She has been invited to missionary schools, provided training on management issues, and provided project consulting to indigenous leaders in the Amazon. She has shared about missions in Peru and the USA.

In December 2022, she graduated from the Diploma of Missions.

In October 2023, he completed the SIL International Foundation Courses, which are prerequisites for pursuing graduate studies in linguistics focused on biblical ministry.

By 2025, he longs to pursue graduate studies with SIL to serve in language project management for the Bible translation ministry.

Sara is single. She has two brothers; they and their families are wonderful. Her mother is an LADP pastor; she is very active and technology-savvy.