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Ministry Journey


Ashley continues to serve people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, their families and friends worldwide through various resources offered and a new one that’s been added.

That resource is womens’ faith-based homes for ladies coming out of drug detox needing a safe, faith-filled, structured home to live in for a few months while they get their lives back on track.

Ashley is currently working on renovating one of these homes, called Rahab’s Refuge.


With 17+ years of serving individuals in recovery, their loved ones, and friends, Ashley’s ministry presence is both unique and powerful. She brings an added layer of understanding, having been a friend and family member of drug addicts and alcoholics.

Ashley’s 18+ years of successful sobriety through the grace of God, coupled with her 10+ years of professional experience as a trained Recovery Coach plus experience as a church planting consultant, make her a skilled and well-rounded missionary.

Add to this her authentic relationship with the Lord of 25+ years, and Ashley’s impact in the field of serving people in recovery, their families and friends is truly transformative.

Even while in Campus Ministry from 2006-2008, the Lord had her serving students who were struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, their parents and even the drug lord (at the time) in town.

It became clear to her authorities back then that a better-fit ministry for the calling in her life would be one that’s devoted to serving this very people-group that Ashley encountered on the campuses and in town.

In 2008, she said “Yes!” to the Lord’s leading to that ministry and hasn’t looked back since!

Ashley is the oldest of 13 children and Aunt Ashley to 2 nieces and 2 nephews. She enjoys the gift of singleness and is able to serve in ministry in powerful ways as a result!