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New Plans New Challenges
After a 2020 that has changed our lives, we have many reasons to look forward. Furthermore, we must pay attention to the new opportunities that are presented to us. As usual, we start a new year full of plans and expectations. And this 2021 is no exception. However, from all the goals and objectives that we plan, we cannot leave out the most important one of all, wait and trust in the guidance of our sovereign God.
It is important to understand that God wants us to discern the times in which we live. We will have the assurance of our Lord’s guidance as long as our plans are in tune with His purposes.
There is nothing better than having our lives in God’s hands! When our lives rest in His hands, our times and plans will too. It is nice to know that our existence is not a waste, but that each day and each year is an extraordinary opportunity to receive what God has for us!
So, with a new year come new plans to fulfill and new challenges to overcome! It is a great joy for us to know that we have new opportunities to make the right decisions, as we follow His direction in our lives, like a boat following a lighthouse. For Global One80, our next challenge is to expand our borders, to have more leaders and continue our mission to serve the Lord in the world.
We invite you to continue your prayerful support and encourage you to plan a great 2021. What will you do with your life in this New Year that is about to begin?

Salms 25:4
“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long”
- Religious Visa Approved: Pastor Juan Carlos Hernandez, a Honduran citizen, who is working with our church planting network in Phoenix, received on December 15th the approval of his visa to be able to work in the United States.We are collaborating with Bible Baptist Church (Crosspointe), a Conservative Baptist Church to start a new Spanish-speaking church.
- Opening of ministries in Colombia: We have approved Ruth Waldmann to minister in Colombia, while she waits for the approval of her Religious Visa to join her husband Johnny in Payson, Arizona. She will be developing a counseling program in Antioquia. She needs financial support and ministry opportunities at her local church.
- Joaquin Vargas Health: They have discovered that the Achilles tendon on the left foot is torn and there is a bone spur in the back of the heel. He probably will have to do another surgery in March.
- Church Building: Pastor Ricardo Felix, one of the church planters in Phoenix, urgently needs to find new space for his growing congregation. They are already averaging 150 people on Sundays.
- Parsonage: We need to find a trailer or a house to host Interns that will be working this summer with our church planting ministry in Mesa, AZ.
Meet all the initiatives and leaders committed to transforming communities around the world.
Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.
- For more Information:
- (720) 592-5964
- Mailing Address:
- PO Box 51675
- MESA, AZ 85208-0084