All Newsletters » Latino Mobilizers

May 1, 2022

Latino Mobilizers

Latino Mobilizers are members of the Body of Christ, team workers committed and competent in using different mobilization tools, such as Simply Mobilizing (SM), to involve the local Church in the worldwide Christian missionary movement. One of our key roles is to train the Church towards participation in His mission, and accompany them towards a mature commitment to it, carrying it out through a strategic and biblically sound mobilization.

To expand our possibilities of financial partners in the United States, we have entered into a strategic alliance with Global One80. We are currently ten mobilizers from different denominations and cultures, ministering in 8 countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and North America.

We desire to grow as mobilizers in the image of the Master Mobilizer: Jesus.

Jesus is the Master Mobilizer because He constantly communicated His heart and purpose by asking His disciples to join His mission. In passages such as Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 24:46-47, and John 20:21, we see Jesus inviting His friends to participate in the mission after He tells them of His authority over all things and the work of the Father. This is because mobilization, done correctly, always focuses on Jesus and not simply on the task at hand.

 We seek every day to do the same in our mobilization! Mobilization without vision will return empty, and by His grace, we have a clear biblically-based vision to share with you and not just the next steps.

Jesus is worthy to be worshipped in every people, tribe, tongue, and nation (ethnicity); that is why we mobilize and motivate others! We do it not because God’s mission seems to be a better life purpose for some people but because Jesus is the only one worthy of all our worship and obedience.

In a nutshell, Latino Mobilizers are helpless servants passionate about Christ and His global cause who do what we must do to make Him known and worshiped by people of all peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations (ethnicities). Our challenge is that our countries often do not have the necessary economic resources to support missionaries who obey the call. That is why we need to get support in other countries with stronger economies. Our churches want to help, but they can barely cover their own financial needs. It is our prayer that churches and individuals will commit to supporting us in our call, and if possible, they will adopt an entire unreached people’s country.

John 20:21

“Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”



  • Pastor Joaquin Vargas will be going in May to Moldova, bordering Ukraine, to help with the refugee crisis and is working on developing strategic partnerships with national leaders who are helping thousands.
  • Ncuentro Network, the church planting ministry in Arizona has plans to continue to grow and is planning to start a church planter training at Experimenta Vida Church.


  • Alejandro, health a 10 year old boy who was injured in an outreach event in the city of Winkelman. He had surgery on his femur, which broke in three places, and will need multiple future surgeries.
  • Obed de la Cruz, our missionary in Mexico, has plans to move to Queretaro to plant a church there.


  • Backpacks and school supplies for the ministries in Mexico.
  • Financial needs: Our goal for 2022 is to raise at least $42,000 this year of the projected amount of $60,000 by July 2025.

Meet all the initiatives and leaders committed to transforming communities around the world.

Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.



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