All Newsletters » Gratitude always!

November 1, 2022

Gratitude always!

Once a friend told me that we should be like seals.  They always have water up to their nose but keep clapping. Sometimes we might feel like drowning in a sea of challenges, problems, concerns, financial difficulties, health issues, inflation, lack of sleep, relationship issues, etc. All these could discourage us, but we need to make sure that no matter the circumstances we are going through, we need to be thankful.

This year, I had a few medical challenges with my foot surgery recovery, kidney stones, and being diagnosed as diabetic.  People asked me how I don’t let these stop or discourage me, and I can only attribute it to God.  He is my strength and has helped keep my focus and active in the ministries God has called us to do.

As we celebrate another Thanksgiving Day, we are very thankful for the faithful donations of hundreds of donors contributing to our 60-plus missionaries in 28 countries.  This year we rejoice that we have surpassed one million dollars in donations. Only God has been able to do this, as I recall the day I went to the bank to open the account with only $200.00.

One of the things that I am most thankful for is our Latino Mobilizer program. It is amazing the response that we have received and the many leaders who are joining us. We have 43 leaders already appointed, and we are in the process of appointing 30 plus more.  These Latinos have decided to fulfill the Great Commission and are going to other cultures to share the gospel. Many serve in countries that are closed to the gospel and have many restrictions in sharing the gospel.

I was hoping you could consider donating to the Latino Mobilizers Fund, which supports these faithful leaders whom many don’t have networks in the United States to raise their much-needed support.

Once again, thanks from the bottom of our hearts for keeping us in your prayers and supporting our ministries.

On a journey to empower leaders and transform communities, one life at a time.

Thessalonians 5:18

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”


  • Mission Connexion Southwest, a mission conference organized by over 40 churches in Arizona, has invited Joaquin Vargas to be one of the keynote speakers for their conference on November 4th & 5th. The theme this year is: Together Here, Serving There.
  • One of our newest Strategic Alliance leaders we empowered is Peter Evans, who is planting Trinity Church in Manchester, England. Pray for the financial support needed for his ministry.


  • Wisdom as we continue to partner with a few Latin American missions who send missionaries to countries that are very dangerous to proclaim the gospel. We want to make sure we appoint leaders ready for the challenge of living under challenging circumstances.
  • Donations to our Operations Fund.  We are only $12,000 short of our goal of raising $60,000 in 2022.


  • Christmas gifts for children in Mexico. Experimenta Vida, a church in Mesa, will be going again this December to Nogales to distribute toys for children.

Meet all the initiatives and leaders committed to transforming communities around the world.

Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.



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