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Coping with the Crisis
The pandemic worsens and we wonder where is God?
If something this quarantine has given us, is time to take care of ourselves, rest and entertain ourselves at home, but also time to think. Many of us have thought the same thing in the face of this crisis: where is God, and why does he allow so many deaths? It is not the first time that we think of something as humanity. We even ask ourselves the same thing about problems that affect us individually, like a sudden illness or a traumatic divorce.
It is not strange that in these difficult moments we come to have a crisis of faith, for it is true that the presence of God does not manifest itself overnight, ending suffering tomorrow if we ask it of it today. However, God is alive and his presence is real, he suffers with us when we lose a loved one or when we don’t know what will happen with our jobs, but he also gives us the encouragement we need to face each challenge. God is giving wisdom to the minds of researchers looking for a vaccine, He is in the tired hands of doctors and nurses, in hospital respirators, in the hard work of those who are still active so that we do not lack the essentials, and above all, God is there listening to us and understanding us when we pray with faith to overcome this situation.
The truth is that we thought we were invincible, but we are vulnerable. We thought we were capable of controlling everything, but life and death are out of our hands. However, we are not alone. God is with us, and he will help us, doing the miracle in each one, so that together we can face this crisis. God is faithful and will not abandon us now.

- Coronavirus Crisis: Many people are affected by this world health crisis, which is affecting many people around the world. Many have died, it has disrupted our daily lives, and it has created a terrible financial collapse. Our missionaries are busy helping with food programs and ministering to their communities. Some of them have relatives that have died, but none of them has gotten the virus.
- Ncuentro Network: In the midst of the crisis, we continue to see numerical growth. We now are working with about a dozen Latino Pastors who are working in Arizona.
- Financial Crisis: Funding for many churches and ministries will be affected, which will stretch the budget for many of them. We trust in God’s care, but we need to pray for God’s provision during these difficult times.
- Iglesia Cristiana Conexion: Pastor Ricardo Felix and Jaime Pantoja, two of the leaders that Joaquin mentored in Mexico 25 years ago, are now relaunching a new Latino church in Phoenix, AZ. Their average attendance was about 250 in attendance, but due to very sad circumstances they are not able to continue to meet where they were meeting before. They need a place to meet, and finances to continue their ministry.
- Financial Support for our missionaries in Panama (Fruto Bonilla), Venezuela (Magdiel Brito), India (GP Kiran) and Peru (Eliseo Macedo). Their finances are very tight at the moment. Any donation will go a long way. Check out Our Leaders section on our website for their Biographies and a link to donate.
- Computers: We are still looking for laptop computers in good working conditions. Pastors and leaders will be using them.
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Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.
- For more Information:
- (720) 592-5964
- Mailing Address:
- PO Box 51675
- MESA, AZ 85208-0084