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October 1, 2021

An Explosive Ministry Model

Partnerships are the key to ministry growth. Rather than limit partnerships in an attempt to protect growth, partnerships actually allow ministries to join together with a goal of helping both ministries grow and accomplish solid Kingdom work together. That is the philosophy which is practiced by Global One80. Instead of asking if actions help Global, the ministry has sought to enhance ministry through partnerships, regardless of whether it directly benefits Global One80.

A clear example of this occurred In July of 2018, when Global One80 birthed Campus One80. Campus One80 is a ministry to college campuses that shares Global’s focus on empowering leaders in order to transform college communities. Using the same tagline of One Life at a Time, Campus One80 forms Christian communities on secular college campuses with a goal of reaching the campus with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Campus One80 grew from one campus minister to 34 over the next three years. By October of 2018, it was decided to spin Campus One80 off as its own non-profit, but Global continued to receive donations for the ministry until it received 501(c)3 status. Today Campus One80 has ministries in four states and will be expanding to a fifth by the end of the year. All of this was made possible by the vision of Joaquin Vargas and Global One80.

But Global hasn’t stopped there. Global One80 has formed strategic alliances with other ministries in multiple countries to further transformative ministries through the equipping of both young and veteran leaders. This open-handed approach is now attracting more and more leaders and organizations to a truly global vision of advancing God’s Kingdom work. And the true winners are the communities that are now being reached because of this vision.

So thank you for your support of Global One80. Your financial gifts are allowing people all over the world to experience God’s love through community programs, the training of the next generation of Christian leaders, and the proclamation of the Gospel. In a world where people frequently couldn’t care less about others, Global is proving that God couldn’t care more.

Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.



  • After being restricted to only virtual ministry last year, Campus One80 is now doing in-person ministry again and experiencing greater than normal interest from students.
  • Along with in-person ministry, Campus One80 has launched One80 Online – a completely virtual campus ministry for students who cannot attend an in-person ministry. For more information, go to


  • Please pray for our ministries to quickly recover from being restricted to only virtual ministry last year and from future shutdowns due to COVID.
  • Please pray for One80 Online as we expand this innovative approach to campus ministry.


  • Campus One80 is looking for people with a heart for the college campus to join the staff team. New Staff will be trained through a two-year cohort model of training that includes on campus coaching, as well as group instruction and assignments.

Meet all the initiatives and leaders committed to transforming communities around the world.

Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.



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