Wurud Family

Ministry Journey


The Wurud Family has ministered in the Middle East for 15 years. They have based their ministry on Matthew 25, where they help the hungry, prisoners, and foreigners. They help refugees from Sudan, Syria, Iraq, among others.

Additionally, they help in all the prisons in Jordan. They are pastors of an International church and a Hispanic church.  They met Simply Mobilizing ministry in 2014 and since 2016 they are lead facilitators. Currently, they are working in the New Nations coordination in HM Jordan and for Paraguay.


F was born in an evangelical family with pastor parents. He received Christ in April 1985, was baptized on August 25 of the same year and studied in Bible School from 1987-1990. He was a district youth leader, studied to be a music teacher and has formed several praise groups, is a teacher in Bible Schools and in the AD Training Center.

F is a church planter and began his pastoral ministry in 1990. In 1994, F received the call to go to the nations. He studied for a degree in theology from 1992-1996. He got married in 1997 and together with his wife had 3 beautiful daughters. F has a master’s degree from Amman Baptist Seminary Jordan 2011-2012.

His wife came to know Christ at the age of 15, was baptized in 1992 and studied Bible School in 1993-1996. She started her pastoral ministry 1997 and served as a local youth leader as a small group leader. Additionally, she served as an evangelism group leader called “Castillo del Rey”, and as a Sunday School and Bible School teacher. She founded the Sunday School program in an International church in Amman.

They were pastors in Sinaloa, then in Oaxaca, studied at the Assemblies of God Training Center, in 2005 they were in Spain. In 2006 they were in Morocco and since 2007 they have been in Jordan serving as Spanish teachers.



Before choosing the type of leader you can read below what each one means.

These leaders with experience join us to receive supervision for their ministry or initiative from a Ministry Coordinator. They can raise support through us, and their financial accounts are accessed ten (10) percent administrative fee.

These leaders are just starting a new ministry or initiative and commit to having a mentor to oversee them. They can raise support through us, and their financial accounts are accessed five (5) percent administrative fee.

These leaders from established organizations or ministries partner with us, but their own board supervises them. They can raise support through us, and their financial accounts are accessed five (5) percent administrative fee.

Each church is independent and autonomous and must be free from interference by any ecclesiastical or political authority; that, therefore, Church and State must be kept separate as having different functions, each fulfilling its duties free from the dictation or patronage of the other.

We believe that a visible church is a company of believers in Jesus Christ, buried with Him in baptism and associated for worship, work and fellowship.

We believe that to these visible churches were committed for observance “until He comes,” the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper; and that God has laid upon these churches the task of persuading a lost world to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and to enthrone Him as Lord and Master. We believe that righteous living, good works and proper social concern are essential products of the gospel.

We believe, therefore, that those who accept Christ as their Lord and Savior will rejoice forever in God’s presence and those who refuse to accept Christ as Lord and Savior will be forever separated from God.
We believe in His bodily resurrection, His ascension into heaven, His high priestly intercession for His people and His personal, visible return to the world according to His promise.