Currently, Mercedes directs the ministry founded by Pastor John Stott: “Langham Preaching Schools” in Antioquia, Colombia. Pastors and leaders undergo three years of training in biblical preaching there. It is also mobilizing missionaries to different parts of the country and outside of Colombia. Additionally, she supports the ministry “Cristo Para la Ciudad” by providing pastoral support to pastors both within and outside of the city.
Mercedes also collaborates with a local church. Together with other brothers, she established a foundation for the prevention of children and teenagers against sexual abuse, drug addiction, murder, etc. She is also forming a missionary movement to mobilize the church in Antioquia in support of God’s mission.
She has known the Lord since she was a child, and she has loved him all her life. She graduated as a theologian and has a master’s degree in theology with an emphasis in biblical studies from the Biblical Seminary of Colombia University Foundation. She has served as an associate pastor, church planter, senior pastor, teacher, and missions mobilizer. She serves in Colombia and has made short-term trips to explore mission fields, pastoring missionaries in the field, and participating in missionary congresses. She served as a founding pastor from 1998 until 2016, when she decided to resign from the local church to dedicate herself to mobilizing missions, especially within the church.
She participates as a teacher at the Biblical Seminary Foundation of Colombia. For his experience, he teaches church planting and homiletics.
She accompanies a small church, where she helps in missions, a preaching school, supports the pro-temple project, and accompanies in the direction of the Corporation Casa de Vida Belén Rincón. Ministry focused on children and adolescents.
She belongs to COMIBAM Colombia and directs the regional board of the Department of Antioquia.
She advises and accompanies a missionary school that aims to mobilize believers in the United States. The school operates under the name ITG (Instruct, Transform, Go). For this purpose, she has made an alliance with World Mission Centre, which promotes training for church planting.
Mercedes also supports the mobilization of the church toward the Muslim people.