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Ministry Journey


Joaquin is the founder of Global One80 and serves as Chief Operations Officer and member of the Board of Directors. Joaquin and Oneida have been involved in ministry for over three decades. They have ministered in Dominican Republic, Mexico, United States and many countries of the world.


Joaquin was born in the Dominican Republic. At 18, he went to Charleston, WV as an exchange student. When he returned home, he became a Christian andsoon after, God called him to full-timeministry. He moved to an impoverished  neighborhood to start a new church.

In 1992, he moved to Denver to study a MA in Missions at Denver Seminary. After his graduation, he moved to Nogales, Mexico to start a new church.

In 2003, he joined the Executive Leadership Team of Missions Door in Denver, CO. First, he was a Ministry Director, then Vice President of Ministries, and later Vice President of Engagement.

In 2006, he finished an MPA in Nonprofit Management from the University of Colorado at Denver.

In November 2016, after serving with Missions Door for 31 years, he decided to resign to launch Global One80.

In December 2018, he moved to Arizona where he leads the operations of  Global One80. Also, he is helping Iglesia Ncuentro, a Spanish-speaking church in Mesa, Arizona in administration, preaching and mentoring young couples.

Joaquin is married to Oneida, and they have three grown children: Mariel,  Abraham and Laura. Also, they have three grandchildren: Lincoln, Jackson and Jameson.