Claudio Céspedes is associated with the Living Waters Ministry as an ambassador of the ministry in Lima-Peru. Through a training called “In the steps of the master” he is developing training to the churches to help them to exercise the Great Commission with the tools provided by this ministry.
Claudio is from Iquitos, a hot city located in the jungle of Peru. In this city, at a very young age he was able to know the love of God and hear his call to serve Him, so in 2004 he decided to prepare himself for his service by studying theology at the Biblical and Ministerial Institute of BCM International. In this journey he met his wife Grace and since 2007 they joined their lives to serve the Lord with the same vision.
In 2009 they were serving the Lord as missionaries of his church in the city of Iquitos, developing the ministry of evangelism along with the mission in which they were prepared. God allowed them to reach with the gospel and influence the lives of many people, mostly children and youth. By the grace of God, some of these people are serving the Lord in the ministry and that gives them much joy.
They currently live in the city of Lima, in the constitutional province of Callao, assisting and collaborating mainly in their local church. During all this time they have been formed and guided by God to serve Him in different ways, Grace with the children’s ministry and Claudio in the area of evangelism. So in 2022 God led them to implement a ministry which they call OPERATION HD (Making Disciples).
This ministry has in essence to fulfill the work entrusted by our Lord Jesus Christ to preach the gospel and make disciples to every creature in a biblical, simple and effective way. HD not only leads the church to preach the gospel, but also provides methods and strategies to carry out this work, helping to implement a solid ministry of evangelism in case it is required.
By the grace of God, Claudio and Grace have three children; Liel (14), Jacob (12) and Hanna (8).