Church Focus
We desire to start ministries that connect people to Jesus, the hope for the world.
They will purposely be involved not only in individuals' spiritual needs but also in their physical, emotional, social, and financial needs.
These are some of the ministries where our leaders could serve:
- __ Campus
- __ Church Planting
- __ Discipleship / Mentoring
- __ Media
- __ Youth
- __ Children
- __ Compassion
- __ Leadership Development
- __ Mission Experience

Social Focus
We focus on improving people's lives, especially those experiencing poverty, the vulnerable, the abused, and the disenfranchised, to make society a better place for everyone.
Our goal is to put people at the center of development. It is a grassroots movement, different from what outsiders think helps them, but what the people have decided they need.
These are some of the areas in which our leaders could get involved:
- __ Education
- __ Finances
- __ Housing
- __ Technology
- __ Water
- __ Counseling
- __ Health
- __ Infrastructure
- __ Vocational