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Ministry Journey


Alejandro currently serves in the Sinergia Leadership Foundation in the Dominican Republic. Sinergia is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to forming, mobilizing, and equipping leaders and emerging organizations to seek the social and spiritual transformation of people and communities affected by extreme poverty and social regionalization.

He also volunteers in the public schools as a counselor.


Since his birth, he has been involved in the Christian church, and at the age 10, he decided to give his life to the Lord at a challenging time when his parents separated. Since he was a child, he always liked to serve in the church, so he was always involved in everything he was asked to do, guiding the call of God for his life.

When he was just 13 years old he remembered his pastor telling him that he saw in him a burning desire to serve the Lord as a pastor and that he understood that God wanted a greater commitment from his life.

A few days after this while at a vigil, God spoke into his life causing him to understand that He was calling him to His service.

In 2004, he began attending Centro Cristiano Bendición church, pastored by Pastor Felix Abreu. Three months later, while praying in the church for some people who wanted to give their lives to Christ, the preacher who had been invited to preach that night comes up to him. He told him: “I don’t know you, but while we prayed today I felt that God was showing me that you are undecided about the church where you should serve Him and that you are waiting for God’s answer. Don’t hesitate anymore; He called you to this place to be a blessing to many people.”

In 2005, Pastor Felix Abreu encouraged him to get involved in youth ministry and to study in a Bible semiPastor Joaquin Vargas’s support; he got the funds to pay for his theological studies and obtain a degree in theology.

During these years, God allowed her to see His grace manifest in many lives, rescuing them from addictions, gangs, prostitution and abuse. God has given him the opportunity to see His grace poured out every day in his life and in the lives of people who have been impacted with the gospel through his ministry.

After 21 years serving in the community of Las Caobas as a youth pastor and director of Berea Christian College, the Lord is calling him to join an initiative of community transformation of national scope called Sinergia Foundation.

Alejandro has been married since 1996 to Celida, an ophthalmologist who supports him unconditionally in the ministry.  They have two daughters: Himilce and Dara, who are involved in the church with their parents.