All Newsletters » Using media as a powerful missions resource

October 1, 2023

Using media as a powerful missions resource

Ahoj! My name is Tyrel Good. My wife Natalie and I serve in the Czech Republic, one of the most atheistic countries in the world.

For the past eight years, I have been serving as a media specialist and filmmaker for a local missions agency here in Europe. Recently, God revealed to me a much broader need within the modern church: To evangelize, disciple, and encourage the next generation of creatives and technicians to bolster the church and reach those outside its traditional reach. I recently partnered with GlobalOne80 to enable me to pursue that vision.

The world is going through a massive paradigm shift, accelerated by the pandemic and emergent technology. As I think about the church and its relationship with technology, I am reminded of a quote from The Lord of the Rings, “those who have no swords can still die upon them.” Understanding and applying technology is not just important for the proliferation of the Gospel but also for the functioning and even survival of the work of the Church globally.

Tools like ChatGPT have the potential to circumvent restrictions on Bible distribution. Virtual Reality enables people to experience the Bible and its stories in new and immersive ways. Bitcoin can get resources to the mission field quickly, bypassing traditional finance rails that can pilfer or stop the funds. The possibilities are vast.

Although my focus is on the Czech Republic, I am working to connect to two other similar global networks with a similar focus: TheChurch.Digital network which focuses on digital or metaverse church and missions initiatives as well as FaithTech, a think tank and network for Christians working on tech problems and applications of all sorts. They are active in North America but still are not as widely connected in Europe.

With my individual interest and skills, I have been working closely with a local seminary to help translate their curriculum to an online eLearning course and will soon be facilitating the Czech translation of a new Biblical times video game called Gate Zero which will be coming out late next year. I am also currently working with my local contacts on launching a Czech-focused church in the Metaverse.

We all have a part to play in the work of God in our church and in our communities but I see God is calling on a previously overlooked group of His followers in the tech and media space to not only help the Church survive the coming turbulence but grow and thrive in ways and places we never imagined.

1 Corinthians  9: 22-23

“I have become all things to all people, that I might save some by all means. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.”  


  • Victor Arias, our Board President, is still seeking employment. May God provide for his family in this season.
  • Exciting news for Eliseo Macedo and his wife as they prepare to welcome their baby in November. We pray for a healthy delivery and a smooth transition into parenthood


  • As we look forward to our upcoming board meeting on October 27th, we request your prayers for guidance and wisdom from God to positively impact our organization and those we serve.
  • Our fundraising dinner “Engage with Legacy” is happening this month. We ask for your prayers for a successful and meaningful event, as well as for us to reach our goal of $30,000 for our Operations Fund.


  • Computer Needs: Our team in Peru who diligently help with communications and financials urgently needs to purchase new equipment. We need about $3,000.
  • Operating Fund Budget: We need to raise $5,000 monthly for our ministry to function.

Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.



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