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New Year: Real Impact Resolutions

It is interesting to read all the resolutions and goals that people have when a new year starts, and 2020 is not different. I have doubts on how effective they are, especially when they are done by an emotional high, without thinking of the commitments necessary to accomplish them.

As you start this new year 2020, I hope that number one in the list will be to spend more time in the Word of God. This year my friend Nick Hall from Pulse Movement has started a new resource called: to encourage people to read the Bible this year. I hope that this is something that you consider doing. This will be a resolution that will produce a real impact in your life.

Also, I would like to encourage you to help us to find New Donors this year for the Operations Fund of Global One80. Our annual operational budget is $24,000 per year.

Have a great year, thanks for partnering with us to impact people with the gospel of Jesus, one life at a time!



  • Donors generously have provided funding for Hurricane Relief in the Bahamas. We have been able to help families with meals and reconstruction funds.
  • Victor & Nuwen Arias are moving to Arizona. A member of Iglesia Ncuentro will be hosting them two months while they get enough funding to move to their own place


  • Keilys Brito, wife to Magdiel who is a missionary in Venezuela. She has been having some challenges with her pregnancy.
  • Safety for GP Kiran and his family who are ministering in India.


  • Used Laptop Computers – They will be used for training our leaders.
  • Financial Support for the Operations Fund of Global One80: $2,000 per month is needed.

Meet all the initiatives and leaders committed to transforming communities around the world.

Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.



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