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Honor Others: a way to say Thank You!

This month we celebrate in the United States a very special holiday: Thanksgiving. It is a time to stop and say than you to God and others who have blessed you.

A few days ago, I had a wonderful experience that encouraged me a lot. I attended an orientation with church planters with Send Network at the headquarters at NAMB.   To my surprise, my brother Martin, who is pastor in Florida, was one of the main speakers. We both have been busy, so we haven´t talked on the phone lately. When he saw me, he told me: “This is incredible, I didn´t know you were going to be here, and half of my sermon is about you”.

During the sermon, he shared how his life was impacted by our experience of planting our first church together when we were 20 and 18 years old. But the most impactful moment was when he asked me to stand up and honored me in front of 175 church planters from all over the US & Canada. It was very encouraging to me; it was a way to honor me for my role as a mentor when he was starting to plant churches.

Now God has been using him around the world. He is starting churches, leadership development of doing relief work in over 30 countries.

It is my prayer that this month, you find a moment to encourage someone, by thanking them or honor them. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your investment in our ministry, for believing in me as we impact the lives of thousands with the Gospel of Jesus.


  • We had a great time celebrating 40 years of ministry. We had about 60 people there, we were able to raise $767.00 dollars and 4 people decided to engage financially with the ministry with monthly support.
  • We helped with 2 events at HiWay Baptist ChurchA Fall Outreach at Skyline Park with over 1,200 people in attendance and another Fall Festival at Taft Elementary with about 300 people there. At both places, Oneida and I were able to connect with some Latino families.


  • December 7 – Christmas Dinner & Concert: It will be an outreach event with a recording artist with the purpose of inviting friends who still down know the Lord as savior.
  • New Church Planters: Through Ncuentro Network, a church planting ministry to empower Latino pastors in the US, we are helping two new leaders. Alfonso Rodriguez, planting in Payson, AZ and Jesus Bustamante, planting in Nogales, AZ. They are now on the process of application with Send Network (NAMB).
  • Laura, my youngest daughter: She is moving to Arizona. Pray for a smooth transition to a new area. We are very happy for this, especially because of the grandchildren.


  • Funding for Mexico Ministries: We know have two church planters there. Obed De la Cruz, who will be planting a church in southern Mexico and Ignacio Estrada, who is planting already a church and a ministry in Magdalena, Sonora. We are trying to raise $750.00 for each of them.
  • Old Laptops: If you have some in good working condition laptops, we could use them to provide to some of our leaders who will be training on the Leadership Development Pipeline that is conducted mostly Online.


Meet all the initiatives and leaders committed to transforming communities around the world.

Thanks for your faithful support and prayers for us. On a journey together to transform communities with the Gospel of Jesus, one life at a time.



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