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Ministry Journey


Rob is a gifted communicator, Bible teacher, author, and playwright. He has been faithfully serving the 12-step recovery community since 2009. Rob’s love for Christ, compassion, and enthusiasm to reach and serve the recovery community have led him to impact people in South Africa, the United Kingdom, Puerto Rico, and around the United States. Now, they have accepted God’s call to start Christ & Recovery Ministries in NYC. Their focus will be to reach and serve people affected by addiction to Christ while creating programs and services that change lives and transform communities.


Rob was born in Brockton, Massachusetts, to troubled parents who were tormented by substance abuse. As a result, he used it for the first time at the tender age of eleven.

In 1988, caught in the grips of a crack cocaine addiction, Rob attended his first 12-step recovery meeting.

Rob struggled with long-term clean time. Finally, in 2005, he was free from drugs, but his flesh continued to lead him down a road of destruction, ravaging his life and the lives of those around him.

In 2009, with four years clean and desperately searching for something greater (higher power), Rob packed up and left Massachusetts. He moved into the Recovery House of Worship (RHOW) in Brooklyn, New York, to participate in the Faith-Based Men’s Recovery Program. Shortly after, he surrendered his life to Christ!

In 2013, Rob completed a three-year Certification Program in Pastoral Theology from Urban Academy (URBACAD) and is a passionate student of the word.

Rob’s call to share the message of hope in Christ with the people in 12-step recovery and those affected by addiction in NYC is clear.

In 2022, Christ and Recovery Ministries Inc. was planted in Brooklyn, New York.

Rob is married to Wanda, who supports him unconditionally by being the ministry “behind the scenes staff.” They have a beautiful dog named Nhgee, a bunch of nieces and nephews, and a never-ending love for Jesus, pizza, and ice cream.