Ministry Journey


Levi Collaguazo, son, husband, father, servant of Christ. He is in charge of the area of missionary mobilization with the organization Impacto Mundial, a missionary agency in Ecuador.


During his youth, he served as an extreme missionary with the IMB (a Southern Baptist mission in the USA) in Rio Tigre, in the lowland jungle of Peru.

At the end of his 3-year service time, between 2007 and 2009, Levi understood that God was calling him to serve Him long-term in missions, so after getting married, he continued his studies in Bible seminary and a major in missions.

Levi, along with his wife Angelica, has been working on mission mobilization with the commitment to see Ecuadorian missionaries go to unreached peoples. Both work in the different evangelical Christian churches in the highlands region of Ecuador, willing to fulfill the great commission, going, giving, sending, and caring. 

Their specific work is to mobilize, facilitate, and train pastors, leaders, and church workers; find candidates with a desire to be involved in the mission of God; and form believers who fulfill the task of becoming disciples of Jesus as global believers.. 

The Collaguazo family also fulfills the role of integral care for the missionaries with Ecuadorian workers who are outside the country. 

Also since 2024, they have served as coordinators for Ecuador with RCM (Reaction Chain Ministries), mobilizing the unreached and offering comprehensive care during the service.

In addition, they run “Casa Gayo” hospitality, which receives foreign workers in their home, either residing in Ecuador or visiting. The Collaguazo family lives near the Quito airport. They pray to the Lord to build a safe, comfortable, and ample space to bring joy to the lives of the workers who come home each time.