Ministry Journey


L&J are a pastoral missionary family serving God in theological teaching, training new workers and mobilizing missions in order to raise up a generation that transforms lives and communities through an encounter with Jesus Christ, especially among the least reached.

L&J currently pastor a church in southern Chile where they also operate the Bible Institute and School of Missions, which has students from different denominations in the area.  Both are ministers of the Assemblies of God of Chile, licensed in Theology and active in theological teaching, missionary mobilization and training of new workers to go to the least-reached ethnic groups. Since 2020 they have been involved in holistic missionary care, visiting and ministering to Latino missionaries in their places of service.


L&J met in 2013 while J was visiting the church L pastored on his tour. After each faithfully serving God and despite the distance, they understood that He was uniting their paths and callings to fulfill His Mission wherever He leads them.  In January 2018 they married, and have been serving together in southern Chile ever since.

Upon meeting Jesus in her youth, L arranged her life to serve Him and worked side by side with his pastor in youth leadership. Such was the conviction of his calling that he became the senior pastor of the church in 2012.  Since then, the congregation has excelled in theological and missionary teaching. L was the Missions President of his denomination until 2021 and was in charge of standardizing the content of the course plans and restructuring the National School of Missions at the national level.

From college, J felt God’s call to go to the least-reached peoples.  This led her to serve in a restricted access country in Asia for 9 years, evangelize an ethnic group that had no testimony of Jesus, and train local leaders in human trafficking prevention. Today she is a mobilizer with Simply Mobilizing in Chile, the first accredited Lead Facilitator for her country, and a member of the New Nation Coordinating Team (NNCT) in Uruguay to help empower the missionary movement in both nations.

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