Sara Ypanaqué

Background Sara Ypanaqué

Focus Sara serves in the ministry of Bible translation. She is currently CEO of AEL Peru, an association of Christian volunteers who promote Bible translation into indigenous languages around the world. She leads a mobilization and training project in favor of indigenous leaders and the strengthening of indigenous churches. In November 2022, the project was […]

Andy Miranda

Andy Miranda Portada

Focus Andy serves at Luz de Esperanza Baptist Church as a Christian Education leader. He is part of the National Coordinating Team for Simply Mobilizing Venezuela and the New Nation Coordinating Team for Equatorial Guinea. In addition, he participates in the team that helps the Piaroa Ethnicity in its maturity as a biblical and missionary […]

Hosea & Hadassah

Hosea &Amp; Hadassah Portada

Focus Hosea is a missionary from his church in Cuba. Together with his wife, Hadassah, they are actively involved in this work, established in one of the least reached places in their locality. Hosea is part of Sembradores, a ministry focused on church planting and training missionaries. It also works in the promotion and extension […]

Luis Dayan & Abigail Castillo

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Focus Luis Dayan and his wife Abigail are a Cuban missionary couple who work as Co-Pastors of their local church. They contribute to the training and preparation of believers from various churches as facilitators of the Faith Bible College in the country’s west. They are missionaries in the field of their local church and are […]

Christian Areli Hernández

Visitas Guiadas

Focus Christian Areli is the Director of Maná, Museo de las Sagradas Escrituras, the first Museum of the Bible in the Americas, located in Mexico City, which exhibits and academic programs make it possible for visitors to encounter the beauty, history, and central message of the Scriptures. Journey At the age of 8, Areli decided […]

Miracle Ishaya

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Focus Miracle Ishaya is the founder of The Mission Light House Inc (MLH), a non-denominational Christian Mission-based organization with the mandate of raising, training, and sending indigenous Missionaries to unreached people groups through cross-cultural Evangelism, Church Planting Movement, Discipleship as well as Community Development. The vision was birthed from a passion for prayer and the […]

Pako Gomez

Portada Pako Gomez Web

Focus Francisco has been the Founder and Executive Director of Pioneros Internacional Mexico (PIMEX) since 2018. In his role, he oversees the day-to-day operations, recruitment, and training of new missionaries. Also, he trains local churches in their ministry to support local and global missions. Journey He was born in Chihuahua, Mexico, in a Christian home. […]

Tyrel & Natalie Good

Tyrel &Amp; Natalie Good Foto Portada Y Republica Checa

Focus Tyrel and Natalie live and work in one of the most atheistic countries in the world, the Czech Republic. Tyrel uses his background and passion for media and new technology to spread the gospel in the local media industry and encourage, train, and empower the local church to apply media and new technology to […]

Doris Murillo

Foto Detras Del Titulo Doris Murillo

Focus Doris is an associate pastor in the Community Reconciliation Ministries Agua Viva del Pedernal in Puerto Jimenez de Golfito, Costa Rica. Among her functions, she collaborates in the discipleship of new converts and the formation of Leaders and Pastors in her organization. In addition, she participates in ministries of mobilization of the church, such […]

Luis Fernando & Yanet Ceballos

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Focus For 20 years, Luis Fernando and Yanet have served in the Missions ministry, being their main calling to plant churches, and mentor pastors and interdenominational leaders. Currently, they are senior pastors of the Panamerican Mission of Colombia in the city of Medellin, a church that they came to restore after having lived through some […]



Antes de elegir el tipo de líder puedes leer a continuación en qué se basa cada uno.

Estos líderes con experiencia se unen a nosotros para recibir la supervisión de su ministerio o iniciativa por parte de un Coordinador de Ministerio. Pueden recaudar apoyo a través de nosotros, y se accede a sus cuentas financieras con una tarifa administrativa del diez (10) por ciento.

Estos líderes recién comienzan un nuevo ministerio o iniciativa y se comprometen a tener un mentor para supervisarlos. Pueden recaudar apoyo a través de nosotros, y se accede a sus cuentas financieras con una tarifa administrativa del cinco (5) por ciento.

Estos líderes de organizaciones o ministerios establecidos se asocian con nosotros, pero su propia junta los supervisa. Pueden recaudar apoyo a través de nosotros, y se accede a sus cuentas financieras con una tarifa administrativa del cinco (5) por ciento.

Cada iglesia es independiente y autónoma y debe estar libre de injerencias de cualquier autoridad eclesiástica o política; que, por tanto, Iglesia y Estado deben mantenerse separados por tener funciones diferentes, cumpliendo cada uno con sus deberes libres del dictado o patrocinio del otro.

Creemos que una iglesia visible es una compañía de creyentes en Jesucristo, enterrados con Él en el bautismo y asociados para la adoración, el trabajo y el compañerismo.

Creemos que a estas iglesias visibles se les ha encomendado la observancia "hasta que Él venga", las ordenanzas del bautismo y la Cena del Señor; y que Dios ha puesto sobre estas iglesias la tarea de persuadir a un mundo perdido para que acepte a Jesucristo como Salvador y lo entronice como Señor y Maestro. Creemos que una vida recta, las buenas obras y el interés social adecuado son productos esenciales del evangelio.

Creemos, por tanto, que aquellos que aceptan a Cristo como su Señor y Salvador se regocijarán para siempre en la presencia de Dios y aquellos que rehúsan aceptar a Cristo como Señor y Salvador serán separados de Dios para siempre.
Creemos en Su resurrección corporal, Su ascensión al cielo, Su intercesión del sumo sacerdote por Su pueblo y Su regreso personal y visible al mundo según Su promesa.