Familia Diagu

Fondo Familia Diagou

Focus The Diagu Family has developed a ministry to children and teenagers. Through a cup of milk and cookies, they share at believers’ houses values and principles based on the Bible. In 2018, they extended into another village where they impacted the community with the repair of the school that was in poor condition. When […]

Dixie Leiva

Dixie Leiva

Focus Dixie leads Simply Mobilizing in Honduras, an organization that seeks to involve Latin American churches in missions. She is also a member of the Latin American Council where she represents her country. She has taught virtual courses with Simply Mobilizing at the Latin American level and in various departments of Honduras. One of her […]

Belkys Moreno

Foto Detras Del Titulo Belkis

Focus Belkys serves as a missionary in two indigenous ethnic groups in Venezuela: Piaroa and Joti. Today, she and her team coordinate the translation of the New Testament into Piaroa, formed by one Canadian and five indigenous translators. The other ethnic group remains unreached but has formed a team of missionaries who are learning the […]

Rogelio & Claudia Castillo

Foto Detras Del Titulo Rogelio

Focus Rogelio is an experienced missionary, church planter and co-founder of the School of Missions and Church Planting. Located in Cordoba, Argentina. Rogelio has accumulated more than 40 years of service in training and coaching leaders in his native Argentina with the objective of preparing them for the Great Commission. Currently he accompanies the development […]

Daniel & Alejandra Esposito

Daniel Y Alejandra Esposito Fondo

Focus Daniel currently works in his local church, collaborating with a team to disciple and accompany young couples in his congregation. In addition, he serves as the national director of OM Argentina, where his responsibilities include training, accompanying, and coordinating, in collaboration with local churches, the deployment of workers to the most remote areas. aces. […]

Manuel & Diseidy Pertuz

Manuel &Amp; Diseidy Pertuz Fondo

Focus Manuel is a mobilizer with Simply Mobilizing Colombia, a missionary mobilization organization. He is currently a member of the National Coordination Team (ECN) of the Dominican Republic and the New Nation Coordination Team (ECNN) of Colombia, which he coordinates at the national level along with his wife Diseidy Nuñez, who is one of the […]

Alejandro & Celida Tejeda

Foto Rep Dom Detras Del Titulo

Focus Alejandro currently serves in the Sinergia Leadership Foundation in the Dominican Republic. Sinergia is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to forming, mobilizing, and equipping leaders and emerging organizations to seek the social and spiritual transformation of people and communities affected by extreme poverty and social regionalization. He also volunteers in the public schools as […]

D & M

Image For Irak

Focus D&M are serving since 2019 in the Middle East. Although he is a systems engineer, on the mission field they are using a Soccer School, a training project with children with about 100 children and teenagers in two cities. M, who is a pediatrician, is developing a project for children with neurological disabilities by […]

Ruth & Johnny Waldmann

A Focused Family

Focus Since 1983, Ruth has served the Lord in spiritual guidance and counseling to individuals, couples and families. Also, with her husband, Pastor Johnny Waldmann, they provide  leadership counseling to churches, mainly in Venezuela. However, via online, this contact transcends borders such as Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, among others.  In addition, Ruth concentrates her ministry […]

Juan C. y Sandra Arias

Juan C. Sandra Arias Fondo

Focus Juan Carlos with his wife Sandra have responded to the Lord’s calling to start the Open Doors and Mind Ministry in New York City. This ministry is to serve, empower, guide, and train young believers in their spiritual and intellectual learning of the Bible. Journey Born and raised in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. He was […]